The Black Political Review

Posts tagged ‘African America Democrats’

Tavis Smiley Feeling Blowback Over Obama Slam


Photo By: J. Emilio Flores, NY Times

Come on Tavis… you of all brothers should know how the people feel about Senator Barack Obama. You know that any criticism, challenge or critique of the People’s Senator will not go unanswered. Not this time… not this year.

The masses of African-Americans support your leadership Tavis and ALL the heavy lifting (i.e. The Covenant) you’ve done. However, you ALWAYS talk about accountability as it relates to Black America and it appears now that Black America is taking you to task. 

The masses are disappointed in your neutrality in the Democratic Primary election. They see a champion of Black America failing to step-up and endorse Obama with the sort of enthusiasm which they expect. They are even willing to overlook your affection for Bill Clinton if you do so.

However, Black America is left scratching their collective heads as they hear you telling them not to by into the hype of Obama (TJMS 1.18.08). Your scathing commentary telling Black People not to fall in love with Obama created such a firestorm, you had to address it on your next appearance on the TJMS.

I guess that wasn’t enough heat for Brother Tavis. He had to go back at Obama for not attending the upcoming State of The Black Union (Feb. 22 – 23) in New Orleans. Obama responded to Tavis that he will not attend due to campaigning in Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Here’s what the commentators are saying about this latest dust up.

Who Died And Made Tavis King? Melissa Harris-Lacewell | (Hot Site)

Black Commentator, Criticizing Obama, Causes Firestorm Darryl Fears |

Smiley: He’s Catching Hell… Michael Cottman|

Clinton, Obama Navigating The Water… Roland S. Martin |